Equine Polo Instructional Center

Equine Polo Instructional Center
Executive Director

Tabitha Orthwein
Board of Directors

Jed Lavitt

Vice President:
Leighton Jordan

Courtenay Shohfi

Dan Haro

William Orthwein

Rachel Ward

At large:
Peter Blackbird

Aaron Schneider

About EPIC
EPIC is a 501c3 established January 2016 with the purpose of promoting educational and competitive equestrian opportunities to students of Skidmore College as well as individuals who are un-affiliated with Skidmore College, but are interested in learning about and participating in equestrian activities.
Through volunteer employees and part-time contractors, EPIC provides access to equestrian sports for many people who would not normally be able to learn and participate in horse-related activities. These activities, held at facilities located in and around Saratoga Springs, NY include, but are not limited to, polo, basic riding and horse-care.
In addition to teaching about horses and promoting equestrian sports EPIC through its members, contractors, and volunteers provides care for the horses that are used in the various equestrian programs provided by EPIC.
Additionally, EPIC acts as a non-profit fundraising and management organization for the funds and supervision needed to lease equestrian facilities in which the purpose of EPIC can be realized throughout the year.
EPIC is funded with a combination of public and private grants, individual charitable donations, and fees from students and individuals participating in the programs.